Thursday Doors: The First Church of Christ, Wethersfield

Thursday Doors: The First Church of Christ, Wethersfield

Although I’m not a particularly religious person, I thought sharing a church door would be appropriate on Thanksgiving Day as one place where people traditionally go to pray as well as express gratitude for their blessings in life. I’m grateful for so much this Thanksgiving Day, most importantly my family (including my pets!), my health, my friends,…

Holidays + Historic Homes = One Surefire Way to Enjoy the Season

Holidays + Historic Homes = One Surefire Way to Enjoy the Season

It’s that time of year! The holidays and historic homes go together like Mr. and Mrs. Claus and organizations across New England and beyond host annual holiday house tours to showcase special homes and their holiday decorating style. For the first time last year I attended the The Friends of the Mark Twain House &…

Charmed, I’m Sure: West Hill Drive Historic District

Charmed, I’m Sure: West Hill Drive Historic District

Having lived in West Hartford for over twenty years now and due to my more recent pastime of photographing homes, I have become familiar with many sections of town. One of my favorite spots is a little jewel of a neighborhood called the West Hill Drive Historic District. I’ll never forget the first time I discovered…

Thursday Doors: Comstock, Ferre & Co.

Thursday Doors: Comstock, Ferre & Co.

Just a short twenty-minute ride from my current hometown of West Hartford lies Old Wethersfield, CT which has the distinction of being the largest historic district in the state with over 1,100 contributing structures. The area was settled in 1634 and by some counts is the first settlement in the state (there is some debate over that!)…

Thursday Doors: South Church in New Britain

Thursday Doors: South Church in New Britain

Here we are! Thursday Doors. But wait, it’s Friday you say? Why yes it is. And it’s also 2:30 p.m., not an optimal time to post. But I worked so hard on this that I just couldn’t wait!

A Shining Main Street on Broadway in Saratoga Springs

A Shining Main Street on Broadway in Saratoga Springs

Although I spend most of my time right here in New England, I love to explore other areas when I have the chance. My daughter participates in crew, and her team competes in the Head of the Fish Regatta in Saratoga Springs, New York annually. This year we went up a day early and were…