Tourist in My Own State:  Connecticut’s Old State House

Tourist in My Own State: Connecticut’s Old State House

Why is it that “tourist” destinations are only interesting to us if we are traveling somewhere far away to see them? Maybe it’s because we think we will get to it “one day” since it’s so close by. I am determined to spend time going forward visiting some of our local historic treasures and I had…

If We Went On a Walk

If We Went On a Walk

Since I started blogging, I have been reading and following a number of other bloggers, because I find it interesting to see what others have to say and I love to use them to get ideas on blog posts and formats, among other things. One type of post I have grown to enjoy is “If…

Tourist in My Own State:  Coltsville National Historic Park

Tourist in My Own State: Coltsville National Historic Park

A tiny snippet in the Hartford  Courant caught my eye last Saturday entitled “Hartford Blooms Garden Tours“. As I read the description, I was particularly interested to see that the dome atop the Colt Armory building in Hartford would be open for tours from 2-4 daily during the Garden Tours event, which lasts until this…

The Front Door Project Visits:  Boone Hall Plantation

The Front Door Project Visits: Boone Hall Plantation

From the moment we turned off of the main road and started slowly driving under Boone Hall’s canopy of almost three hundred year old southern live oak trees I knew I would love my visit to Boone Hall Plantation. The Avenue of Oaks, as it is referred to, was originally planted in 1743 by members of the…

Instagram Favorite of the Week

Instagram Favorite of the Week

I happened upon this lovely Victorian home in the town center of Kent, CT on a recent spring afternoon.  My husband and I had just dropped our daughter off at a crew regatta at Lake Waramaug State Park, and we decided to have a quick bite in town before returning to watch her event. If you haven’t been to Kent before…

The Word on Wednesday:  Antebellum

The Word on Wednesday: Antebellum

While vacationing in Charleston, the word “antebellum” was used frequently. Of course I have heard the word many times, typically in reference to the South, but never really thought about what it meant. If asked, I likely would have said “after the war”. And I would have been dead wrong! Technically its Latin for “before…