What would we talk about if we went on a walk this week? This is what I would say…
I have been both frustrated by and excited by my new camera. I have a new respect for professional photographers! I couldn’t wait to take it out and start snapping pics thinking they would automatically look better than the photos from my iPhone.
Wrong! My first round of photos was blurry…trash. How hard can it be to focus?? Well…turns out it’s pretty hard at first.
But I have been reading up, watching videos, and talking to my Dad who has been hugely helpful in sending me resources from the Internet and sharing his own knowledge with me. Somehow I had forgotten that he used to lug around a huge camera bag when I was younger…he knows his stuff!
Aperture, shutter speed, exposure, auto focus, white balance…arghhh! But it’s fun to learn and I look forward to the day when I can create photos that do my new camera justice. In the meantime it’s practice, practice, practice!

Remember that wedding I mentioned a couple of weeks back? The one where I hoped for gorgeous weather? Well, even though Hurricane Joaquin shifted so that Connecticut wasn’t in the direct line of fire, it caused enough wind, rain and cold temperatures to move my friend’s wedding inside.
However, as you can see, it didn’t dampen the celebration one bit! My friend was a beautiful bride and had this gorgeous smile on her face all day. Her new husband was working his pink jacket, too!

My husband and I had a wonderful time…it’s been so long since we have been to a wedding! In addition to the bride, we were there with two of my other childhood friends and their husbands. I am so lucky to have them!
The five of us girls (yes, five – one was at her cousin’s wedding so couldn’t join us – we forgive her) have remained close over all of these years and we get together often, whether it be “just the girls”, as couples or with our families.
They are those people who you can just totally be yourself with, and are the most caring, supportive, non-judgmental bunch you can imagine! All love, all the time!
I hope you have people in your life like that. By the way, I’m the one on the right.

On the other hand, my daughter’s crew regatta the next day turned out to be a perfect day weather-wise. Earlier in the week we were fearful it would be canceled due to the forecast. That would have been devastating as the regatta is a major fundraiser for our community boathouse, Riverfront Recapture in Hartford, CT.
Rowing is a sport requiring so much effort and dedication. My daughter rows after school every day for over two hours, with regattas occurring on the weekends. It is not for the faint of heart!
It’s also a true team sport…the boat either wins or loses, and there are no individual superstars. No one person ever gets the credit since it takes the whole crew working together to be successful.
She started rowing last year, and I’m very proud of her involvement. She has always been athletic and participated in other sports, but the rowing bug bit her and now she’s at it full-time!

My husband and son (he has the Patriots sweatshirt on in the background of above photo) and our TWO rescue golden retrievers Tory and Lilly came out to watch the regatta with me.
Really a glorious fall day! I’m looking forward to more perfect fall weather today and will be taking in my sons football game and then going to a party to watch the Patriots play.
I get an extra day with the family tomorrow, too! Hope you have a three-day weekend as well, wherever you are!
What would you tell me if we went on a walk? Please share! I would love to get to know you better.
Note: Feature photo is a view of a farm from Old Main Street in South Windsor, CT.
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My name is Deb Cohen, and I am a lifelong resident of Connecticut, a lover of all things historic and New England, and a realtor who helps buyers and sellers achieve their real estate goals and dreams. When I’m not working, I enjoy life with my husband, our two adult children, and our two rescue pups. Renovating and decorating our historic home, dating to 1800, is another favorite pastime.
What a super fun day. Very great post. Love the smiles. I can only imagine what a great day it was.
It was a joy for sure! Thanks so much for looking!
Awesome post and great conversation starter! I’d tell you I’m clearing out some stuff we’ve had piling up in our basement that isn’t being used and putting it up for sale or giving it away. I also completed a 5-day self discipline challenge last week that has really motivated me to be honest and keep my word to myself.
A self discipline challenge! That sounds intense
I have also been doing some clutter clearing and selling on eBay, donating or selling on a community FB page for my town (for less valuable items). It feels SO good to get rid of things, whether it be for a little extra cash or to help someone else out! Thanks so much for reading and commenting…I appreciate it!
Great post and nice way to get talking!
Thank you Bonnie!!
Yay for fun Connecticut weddings!
So glad you had a great time, and that you and your childhood friends have remained close. I’m also lucky to have a close-knit group of lifelong friends (we all grew up in Simsbury together) and actually all four of us celebrated each other’s weddings within a span of 14 months from June 2014-August 2015! Also – yay for rescue dog! We adopted our fur baby Bella from the Waterford Humane Society over two years ago. I love the names of your goldens – reminds me of Tory Burch and Lilly Pulitzer!
Haha Meredith they ARE for Tory Burch and Lilly Pulitzer
my 16 year old daughter came up with the names and we loved them! Rescues are the best…feels so good to give them a good home!
Your friend looked beautiful on her special day and your guys both two and four footed are handsome.
For some reason your photo of your daughter didn’t come through but the title and caption did – just thought you’d want to know even though in my case I probably wouldn’t be able to figure out why. If we went on a walk, I’d have to tell you all about a visit to the most fabulous quilt shop I’ve ever been to. It was in Meredith, NH, and the foliage in that area was spectacular. Today, I need to get outside and tear out the raised beds so that tomorrow when we pick up the bobcat we can move the dirt. So, I’m going between gardening and quilting but that is pretty normal for me. Happy Sunday to you and yours.
Thanks Judy! I’m not sure what’s happening with that photo. I’m able to see it so I’m not sure how to test it out? Weird! I hate when kooky things happen like that. What was the name of the quilt shop?? My mother loves to quilt – she does it constantly! I wonder if she has been there? I’m glad you were able to enjoy the foliage and the outdoor weather
Happy Sunday!
Sounds like a lovely weekend. Our dog was abandoned in Spain and we took him back to Ireland with us. Rescue pets make such good companions.
Aw that is so sweet! All the way from Spain to Ireland! Rescues are the best
we got our two girls together last September after our last rescue boy passed away.