guilford, connecticut, shoreline, new england, architecture, adirondack chair

As a fairly new blogger, I can tell you that it is a very solitary existence at first. You sit at your desk trying to figure out how the heck to use WordPress, what photos to choose, what topic to write about. Then you throw it all out there into that world we call the Internet and you just hope someone (anyone!) sees it.

Your family sees it. Your close friends see it…because you basically thrust it upon them! But then, slowly, you start to get feedback from other people…people you don’t actually know! And you start to become involved in the community aspect of blogging. You follow other blogs, they follow you. You join blogging Facebook groups to give and get advice and to share what you are doing.

You start to gain a following on social media, and through comments and sharing and messaging you start to build new virtual relationships that are so supportive and fun. And if you are lucky, some of those virtual relationships translate to real life.

historic home, guilford, architecture, porch, ct, connecticut, shoreline
Beautiful home (for sale!) close to the Guilford Green and waterfront.

I was thrilled when Stephanie, a fellow Connecticut blogger, reached out to see if I wanted to meet up and talk about what we are doing (or trying to do!) with our blogs. She invited me to her hometown on the shoreline in Guilford, which she features often in her blog Hello Shoreline!

Having never been to Guilford I was more than happy to make the trip from West Hartford, a little over an hour away. We agreed to meet at the Guilford Green where Stephanie could show me some of the historic homes in the area. As I drove up to the Green I knew right away that I would love it.

We decided to take a walk down Old Whitfield Street, which heads out towards the water and Guilford’s town beach. But first…coffee (or in my case, a pumpkin muffin). Stephanie introduced me to Cilantro, a charming cafe right on the Green.

swing, barn, farm, guilford, ct, shoreline, new england, historic district
Can you just imagine someone’s grandchildren swinging here?

I noticed that Stephanie also had a Nikon, so as we walked we chatted about all things blogging and photography. And about kids and where we went to school and what our husbands do, of course! We had no shortage of things to talk about and it was refreshing to share tips and ideas with someone who is interested in many of the same things.

Stephanie’s passion is food, and that definitely comes through on her blog. While she enjoys going out, she loves to cook and she shares recipes new and old, such as Jackson Pollock’s Apple Pie. For anyone that knows me, you will understand that Stephanie and I will never compete in this category of blogging! While I’m not a foodie or a cook, I can appreciate a good recipe and I know good food photos when I see them. This girl has it down!

Stephanie also writes about Guilford and other local shoreline towns, and this is where we have more in common. As a fairly new Connecticut resident (she hails from the Midwest originally) she is making an effort to really get out and about to see what the area has to offer.

historic architecture, guilford green, ct, new england, historic district
Nothing like a classic white home with dark green shutters!

As we made our way towards the beach, we both enjoyed the homes old and new along the way. Stephanie asked what I looked for when photographing a home, and I told her it was the details that usually make the difference to me. Like a hand painted address number, a beautiful or bold door color or a special wreath.

Sometimes its the elements surrounding the home, whether it be a fence, or a well placed tree or some Adirondack chairs. I can visualize the photo in my mind.

We talked about challenges with lighting, and she gave me some additional explanation on various camera settings. She assured me that with practice I would get the hang of it and I’m taking her word for it! I was pleased with some of my photos from the day, but others ended up in the scrap heap due to harsh mid-day lighting.

hydrangea, picket fence, garden, guilford, ct, connecticut
Hydrangea blooms fading as fall progresses. Love the soft colors.

The Guilford town beach was peaceful and quiet, but I can imagine it full of families in the summertime. The beach requires a resident pass in the summer, but in the off-season anyone can enjoy it. The day we visited was sunny and warm, so we sat a bit before heading back to town. It is truly an idyllic spot.

We talked about why we got into blogging, and for me it was a natural progression from my photography. As I took photos and began to share them, I wanted to learn more about what I was seeing. I then realized I actually liked the writing aspect of blogging. It’s a much less formal style of writing, and it’s comfortable for me.

For Stephanie, it has been a great creative outlet while she is home with her young children. She initially thought she would be more focused on writing but has since developed a real passion for photography. Like me, she has relished the challenge of handling the technical aspects of running a blog in addition to the more creative aspects.

guilford green, ct, new england, historic district
You’ve got mail! Lovely home just off of the Green.

Stephanie and I enjoyed a leisurely lunch at Whitfield’s on the Green before parting ways. Their patio was the perfect spot to get some shade and enjoy a casual lunch as our warm days will soon come to an end. We plan to keep in touch and may even look for a blogging conference to attend together. See her post and photos about our visit here.

Per her suggestion, I popped into Mix before I left, a wonderful boutique with unique items for the home, fashion accessories and an array of gifts at every price point. I loved that it was in a historic home which had been renovated to accommodate the shop. Repurposing our historic architecture is one way to preserve it!

gift shop, boutique, guilford green
This shop is full of fun, funky and unique items…something for everyone!

I spent another hour walking around the Green and surrounding streets before making my way back to West Hartford. I know that Guilford is a place I will return to with its beautiful Green, numerous historic homes and eclectic mix of shops and restaurants. Again per Stephanie’s recommendation I made one last stop at the Red Rooster for the most delicious cookies I have had in a while! My kids agreed.

cookies, bakery, guilford, ct, guilford green, connecticut
Over two hundred flavors available on a rotating basis (wow!)

I chatted a bit with the owner of Red Rooster and while Guilford is the only location currently she indicated that West Hartford is a potential option for the future. I assured her it would be a big hit with flavors like Honey Bourbon Crunch, Lemon Poppy and York Peppermint Chip.

Not to mention the Classic Chocolate Chip that I had to try. In the meantime, if you can’t make your way to Guilford you can order on line…I think I’ll get some Eggnog Frosted Butter for the holidays!

I’ll post more about Guilford architecture and history soon, but in the meantime I’ll leave you with this cute sign from the restroom at Red Rooster:

signage, sign, red rooster, cafe, bakery, guilford, ct
Could this be any cuter? Nope.

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    1. Erica thanks so much! I’m glad you enjoyed the post, and I certainly agree that there are so many wonderful places around us here in New England!

  1. Love, love, love this! Thanks for personalizing the blogging experience and for sharing the beautiful pictures of our town. Looking forward to more posts about Guilford! … And, of course, more doors!

  2. Wow that sounds like a marvelous day! Thank you for sharing it with us. I’m quite fond of the gate with the hydrangeas, but the whole town looks like a great place to tour.

    1. Thanks Joey! To be honest that is my favorite pic as well – just love the soft colors of the hydrangea against the fence! Really a beautiful town…hope to back again soon!

  3. I love the Guilford green, it’s such a quaint and historic area. Usually when I get down that way it’s for work, not much time to enjoy the area. I will have to make time next trip down that way. There is a beautiful church there I want to photograph and learn about!
    Great post Deb!

    1. It really is a treasure! There aren’t too many town greens like this left in New England considering our history. I know exactly what church you are thinking about – I hope you can make it there!

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